No Fiscal Responsibility At All

 Now that the House of Representatives has passed a “debt limit” bill and the Senate has followed suit, maybe we will get to see how badly skewered we are again. For all the absurd talk about “defaulting on debt payments” and the collapse of society as we know it, there never was any doubt that the spending addicted politicians would do whatever necessary to keep the federal spending hydrant gushing away.

Gotta keep trying to buy those votes don’t you know!

There is a dark, twisted irony to the title of this farcical piece of legislation – “The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.” The only factual thing in the title is the year 2023. The is nothing “fiscally responsible” in this wad of smoke and mirrors. The first failure of this monstrosity is that it increases how much money the Government can borrow. It is just like giving a junkie another needle. You know, and I know, that by the time the next president is inaugurated, the nation will be right back where we are now – facing a “crisis” of about “defaulting on debt payments” and the collapse of society as we know it. The only “fiscally responsible” way to deal with the debt ceiling would be NOT to increase it and force this and all future administrations to become much better stewards of our money

I start laughing when I hear the Republicans talking about this being the biggest “spending cut” in history. You know, and I know, that the federal government will spend more in 2024 than they will here in 2023. I’ll bet a steak dinner on it. Oh! The Democrats will whine and cry at the “draconian cuts”, but the dirty little secret in “wretched hive of scum and villainy” is that if they spend less next year than they wanted to, it is called a “cut” and they will use that “cut” to bash the hapless Republicans. 

There will be no debt relief in this bill and no real cut in spending. The American people get sold a bill of goods and the politicians keep wasting and spending this country into ruin.

The funniest thing that the Republicans are trying to slip past us is that they have stopped Ol’ Sleepy Joe from hiring those 85,000 IRS agents. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night and Ol’ Sleepy Joe will have every damn one of his armed “Storm Troopers” – and Lord have mercy on those reprehensible liberty loving Americans! Those 85,000 gun toting thugs are NOT going to be chasing the billionaires – they are going to chasing us.

So the political games go on in the nation’s capital and nothing changes – government will continue to borrow and spend and lie about their oh! so virtuous “patriotic” efforts. Don’t let the smoke and mirrors fool you folks! No matter how they spin it – they all got what they want and you and I, our children, and their children will pay dearly before it is all over.

Just a Thought or Two

There was the sheep killing Red Dog – and then there was Nothing

  We moved to that hilltop farm northwest of Charlottesville, Virginia in November of 1955. Now, of course, I don’t remember that. I was o...